Thursday, April 16, 2015

Conference with Representative Bob McDermott

Representative Bob McDermott, together with expert Joe S. Mcllhaney, MD., will be speaking out regarding inaccurate and false medical information within the HB459, and related, bills. Rep. McDermott shares our attitude of disapproval regarding the proposed new curricula. The meeting at 7PM TONIGHT, April 16, at the auditorium in the State Capitol Building is a critical opportunity for us, the concerned citizens of Hawaii, to join together as one voice with our state representative, and take a stand for what we believe to be true and right!

Please join us at the Capitol Building at 7PM Tonight, April 17, and please extend this invitation to your family and friends. Everybody is welcome to lend their voice of support to our cause, and the more people who show up, and get involved, the louder our message is going to ring.

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

March Venue Photos

Aloha Fathers and Mothers!
This post contains photographs of the venue for our April 24th March! We meet and organize at 10am, and the March will begin at 11am on Friday, April 24th. We will be marching from the intersection at Queen/Auahi, all the way to the Capitol building!
Remember, 10AM APRIL 24TH!! Please come and show your support.
Thank you all, and have a great day!

Monday, April 13, 2015

808 Local Events List!

Aloha all, 

We are Fathers and Mothers for Children, working to stop and bring attention to the sexuality curriculum proposed by the house, senate, governor and BOE that will teach children K through 12 the normality of LGBT lifestyles.

Please remember, support and join us for the following upcoming events to show our strong disapproval of the sexuality curriculum proposed by the state: 

April 16th - Rep. Bob Mcdermotts 7 p.m. News Conference Capitol building auditorium - hoping for 300 participants

April 24th - Fathers and Mothers for Children march. We meet at 10 a.m. at Ala Moana and Queen/Auahi to organize, and then begin our march at 11 a.m. to the Capitol for food, rally and speeches - hoping for 1000 participants. Grateful to the city for providing police escorts.

Please tweetinstagramfacebookemail and call family, friends and associates to join us on April 16th and the 24th. Everyone is needed and invited. Thank you!

We are grateful for your support.
art & peggy, jr. & lupe, alan & leann, villi & penny, and many more concerned fathers and mothers for children - please join us on facebook @
#Fathers and Mothers for Children
#fm4c #hb459 #hawaiilife #plannedparenthood #commoncore

A new blog post has been put up which includes photographs of the location where the April 24th March will begin.